Media library.

Informational material on customised system technology by PURIMA

Would you like to find out more about our cleaning, ventilation and heating systems? – Here you’ll find comprehensive materials about our offerings: in our technical brochures and flyers, which you can download or receive as a hard copy by post. We also have a variety of videos so that you can see our equipment in action. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Flyers and brochures.

Download online

Cleaning technology brochure

Cleaning aluminium components flyer

Ventilation technology brochure

Informational material by post

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PURIMA systems in action.

PURIMA company video

Flowtronic® systems

Thermo-technology by PURIMA

Module system for aviation

Cleaning solution for paint and varnish residues

High-pressure washing chamber

Emergency tank safety showers

Together towards
your solution.

Get in touch now. 

Every project begins with an idea or a client request. The best solutions emerge in a joint dialogue with our clients from all over the world. Contact us and take the first step towards your customised system solution in the field of industrial parts cleaning or the capture of harmful substances. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!