Vapours, gases or dust: substances released in production processes are often almost impossible to see with the naked eye but they can still pose a serious risk for people and the environment , and to the workspace itself. Especially in the pharmaceutical and chemicals industry, in the food industry and in laboratory work, there are often dangerous emissions that can cause various illnesses if employees are exposed to them over long periods of time. To guarantee safe working conditions, PURIMA builds ventilation equipment tailored to any workplace: this ranges from work tables and multi-task workstations to special solutions with the appropriate air inlet and outlet technology. Our interior ventilation systems extract emissions while also offering safety monitoring, excellent energy efficiency and maximum freedom of operation. Do you need a custom solution? –
Then our partner DENIOS is the right place for you!
These are some of the working steps that release emissions you can carry out safely using PURIMA ventilation equipment:
From small work tables to large multi-task workstations: our partners from DENIOS have the perfect solution for every space and product requirement – in stainless steel or painted standard steel. Our solutions can also be ATEX-compliant upon request.
Our work tables are just as diverse as your requirements – we’ll design a safe work environment that fulfils all your needs and wishes
Using ejector technology, air-borne pollutants are efficiently guided towards the extraction ducts. An integrated monitoring system oversees the most important parameters such as air pressure and filter saturation. Operators have maximum freedom of movement with the open front, and can work standing or sitting.
For space-intensive work processes, our multi-task workstations offer an optimal solution taking into consideration occupational safety and the space requirements.